Posted: Tuesday, May 29th, 2012
A recent study by Feeding America found that over 1,012,500 Virginians are considered “food insecure.” This represents a 54% increase since 2006. A large number of these individuals are children, senior citizens, disabled adults, and the new face of hunger – individuals who have lost their jobs and are having problems making ends meet. Summertime is typically one of the most challenging times for food banks in Virginia, especially with the number of children who are out of school and do not have access to before and after school feeding programs.
In response to this urgent need, Governor Bob McDonnell, The Virginia Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Virginia Food Banks are joining efforts in 2012 to create the first Chamber of Commerce Challenge Food and Fund Drive — a food and fund drive competition among all Virginia Chambers of Commerce, their member businesses, and state government offices. In this friendly competition, the Chamber or government office that raises the most pounds of food will be awarded a prestigious and highly coveted “Governor’s Bowl” in the categories of small, medium, and large for Chamber offices and a special bowl for the top government office.
During our last fiscal year, (the Central Food Bank) distributed 513,637 pounds of grocery products through 6 partner agencies in Mecklenburg County:
- Amazing Bibleway Church ~ Clarksville
- Lake County Area on Aging ~ Mecklenburg
- Holy Name Church of Jesus ~ Mecklenburg
- Young Memorial C. O. G. I. C. ~ Mecklenburg
- Mecklenburg Senior Citizens ~ Mecklenburg
- SOuth Hill Breadbox Company ~ Mecklenburg
Click here to read Governor Bob McDonnel’s letter about the project
Project Dates
May 28 through July 4
Drop off Locations:
- Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, 105 Second St.,
- Virginia Avenue Mall 317 Virginia Avenue
- Dollar General Market 1013 Virginia Avenue
- Southside Marine & Auto 916 Noblin Farm Road
Canned Meats & Fish, Canned Fruits & Vegetables, Peanut Butter, Hot & Cold Cereals Pasta & Rice or,
Donate Online ( $1= 4 pounds of food )
to donate, click here and remember to select Clarksville Lake Country as your local branch.

Posted: Thursday, May 17th, 2012
The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber & Clarksville Community Players team up to create a new Fundraiser for Lakefest! We are happy to announce a fun Singing competition for those who love to sing and compete for a chance to showcase their talent at the opening ceremonies July 20th at 7 pm at the main stage area behind Wells Fargo.
Mirroring some of the exciting features of American Idol, The CCP & Clarksville Chamber will have a panel of judges, auditions and finals. The winner of the final competition will be named the First Official “Lakefest Idol’ title winner and sing the night of the opening ceremonies.
We are really excited to add a new element to Lakefest and hope that the community will get involved. Everyone will be able to come see the talent on the audition dates and the audience will even have a chance to vote at the top 15-finalist competition for their favorite singer on July 7th. So get your vocal cords ready and come be apart of the fun!! Download an application HERE.
Posted: Sunday, May 06th, 2012

In the Photo: Sheila Cuykendall - Clarksville Chamber of Commerce, Rhonda Tate - Virginia Avenue Mall, Tara Murphy - Town Hall
Come to Clarksville, Virginia Saturday, May 12, to the Big Lake Flea Market, for more unique finds and great bargains. Virginia Avenue will be a buzz with a special selection of vendors and downtown merchants offering arts and crafts, fresh produce, antiques, yard sale items and one-of-a-kind treasures. Treat your tummy to delicious tastes including freshly picked strawberries straight from the patch. Come hungry, too, because the best of the food vendors will be onsite preparing your favorites and the local restaurants will offer specials on their menu throughout the day.
Vendors will be located on the pavement (in the parallel parking spaces) along Virginia Avenue from 3rd Street to 7th Street. Thus, vehicle parking will be available in the lots of Wells Fargo Bank and behind the Virginia Avenue Mall, plus on the side streets of Downtown Clarksville.
So, hit the streets early (vendors will be ready at 8:00 a.m.) and make your plans to spend a fun day in Virginia’s only lakeside town.
The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce hosts the Big Lake Flea Market. For more information or want to be a vendor, call 434-374-2436