April 13, 2013
Noon-5 pm
Historic Downtown Clarksville
Come out and enjoy the CHEERS of Clarksville’s Seventh annual “Lake Country Wine Festival” in beautiful Clarksville on the Lake. This year’s event will host 17 Virginia wineries, artisan vendors, wine accessories & great pairings from cigars, chocolates & gourmet Virginia peanuts. Great food provided by Cooper’s Landing Inn & The Lamplighter Restaurant. Entertaining us with live music is duo, Jeff Bailey and Brian Parks. This event is such a great opportunity to see friends and meet many new ones. Relax on historic lawns in downtown and taste nearly 100 varieties of fine Virginia wines and speak with those who have made these vintages possible.
Tickets are available online till 5 pm on April 12th. You can purchase tickets at Cooper’s Landing Inn & Traveler’s Tavern, till 10 pm tonight. Tickets in advance are $20, $25 at the gate, ticket includes a souvenir wine glass. For non-taster/DD tickets in advance are, $10, $15 at the gate; the event is for those 21 years of age and over only and it is a rain/shine event. PLEASE NOTE: your online ticket purchases will not be sent to you by mail or email, the tickets will be held at the WILL CALL table at the front gate. Tickets are non-refundable.
All festival proceeds will benefit the Town’s Chamber of Commerce and will go towards future projects. For more information, use our contact form or call 800-557-5582.
Wineries attending this year’s Wine Festival are:
- Annefield Vineyards, Saxe www.annefieldvineyards.com
- Bright Meadows Farm, Nathalie www.brightmeadowsfarm.com
- Coltsfoot Winery, Abingdon www.coltsfootwinery.com
- DeVault Family Vineyards, Concord www.devaultvineyards.com
- Fincastle Vineyard & Winery, Fincastle www.fincastlewine.com
- Greenwood Vineyards, Vernon Hill www.greenwood-vineyards.com
- Hunting Creek Vineyards, Clover www.huntingcreekvineyards.com
- Mattaponi Winery, Spotsylvania www.mattaponiwinery.com
- Molliver Vineyards & Winery, Nathalie www.molliver-vineyards.com
- Peaks of Otter Winery, Bedford www.peaksofotterwinery.com
- Preston Ridge Winery, Martinsville www.prestonridgewinery.com
- Rosemont of Virginia Winery, La Crosse www.rosemontofvirginia.com
- Sans Soucy Vineyards & Winery, Brookneal www.sanssoucyvineyards.com
- Stanburn Winery, Stuart www.stanburnwinery.com
- The Homeplace Vineyard, Chatham www.thehomeplacevineyard.com
- Three Sisters of Shiney Rock, Clarksville www.facebook.com/ThreeSistersOfShineyrock
- Villa Appalaccia Winery, Floyd www.villaappalaccia.com

I went on line & ordered three tickets for the wine tasting on April 13. I either did not receive the e-mail confirming those tickets, or else I accidently deleted it. Can it be resent, so I can print the tickets off?? Please!!
Does the ticket price cover the cost of the food or is there an additional charge?
Please check your email, I have sent you your confirmation and information on March 15 & 27th.
Thanks so much!
The price of the ticket includes admission to the festival, a souvenir wine glass, free tastings at 17 wineries, program & live entertainment. It does not include the price of food.
Thank you and hope to see you on Saturday!