“Stronger together” is our campaign motto for the 2020 Membership Drive here at the Clarksville Lake County Chamber of Commerce. Every January we send out well over 300 membership packet applications to partner with area businesses & organizations. In 2019, we reached an all-time high of had 239 members of the Clarksville Chamber.
Our primary purpose of this Chamber is to our members. Members are “preferred” businesses because they make the commitment to the purposes of the Chamber – to promote civic, economic, and area enterprises. Chamber members promote job readiness for youth, efficient public services, a positive business climate, and solid customer service. This Chamber refers only to investing members’ information throughout the year. We make thousands of referrals yearly via telephone, email and person-to-person, In our office alone, we handled more than 15,000 inquiries in 2019—phone calls, emails, social media contacts (Facebook) and people walking through our door, all asking questions and needing assistance with information.
We accomplished so much in 2019, and not without the help of our members! Together we have accomplished so much this year, and not without the help of our members! In 2019 we reached an all-time high of 239 members, held 12 main events: Wine Festival, Big Lake Flea Market, Lake Festival, Harvest Days, Trick or Treat the Avenue, Estate Planning Seminar, Fall Lamppost Decorating Contest, Holiday Open House, Christmas Parade, and our Christmas Social, plus 14 Saturdays hosting the new farm-fresh Marketplace events. A new addition this year was the Grand Tree Illumination and with the overwhelming support of the community, we were able to purchase an 18 ft tree. We had 9 “Business After Hours” events, 3 ribbon cuttings, assisted with 4th of July Parade, Cruise-ins/Lake Life Live concert series and started the new annual tradition, Tree Lighting event.
Not only does the Chamber organize, host and help at events, much time is spent providing the community with weekly news, bi-monthly newsletters, marketing efforts on Facebook & Twitter, and recruiting new members. The Chamber also assists visitors, promotes the coupon and Chamber Bucks programs, and continues to maintain the LOVE sign.
With the support of our members we are also able to purchase three NEW cameras streaming live videos of our beautiful downtown & lake views. We also, partnered with Microsoft and their project, providing our town with access to free Wi-Fi for downtown Clarksville.
This coming new year, we hope to accomplish even more, as we celebrate 50 years and hope that you know we could not do it without our members! Please join our organization for another successful year by joining our organization of businesses. We are stronger together! There is strength in numbers and we are looking forward to promoting you to the visitors & residents in this great community. Join in 2020!
Thank you, in advance, for supporting your Chamber and your community!