Magic By Chaz~Chaz
Charles G. Misenheimer is a professional magician, with an interactive style, Chaz features roving, and close-up magic as a featured performer at events throughout the Southeast. This format allows his audiences to experience the thrill of magic literally right before their very eyes, and often right in their own hands.
Chaz will also entertain time to time at Unite Country’s Stage which is set up for a nice sized audience that is growing every year. This will be his 4th year at our show, and I know its one of his favorites, he loves weaving tales of magic past, present, and future and conjuring up a very magical rabbit.
Who is that tall dude dancing in the street?
The stilt walker Lanky Lou is a sky-scraping giant over ten-feet tall with crazy antics, colorful costumes and games to play that are fun for everyone. A long time entertainer who has been roaming at festivals for years, having fun while giving out the highest of all high-fives. Lanky Lou brings excitement to new heights and is a perfect fit for a summertime festival
Balloon Candle Lighting Event
Before the Fireworks Show-candlestick balloon glow!