• Sunday, January 14th, 2018
2017 Lakefest Logo

Last Year’s Lakefest Logo

The 41st Lakefest committee is calling out to all local artist to create the next LAKEFEST LOGO for 2018, which could net you an extra $250 in your pocket?

Consider putting your talents to work for the 2018 Virginia Lake Festival (Lakefest) and become the winner of the reward. The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce encourages area artists to enter the winning logo design for the 41st Lakefest that is scheduled for July 19-21, 2018. In addition to the cash reward, the winning artist will have their design featured on the official 2018 Lakefest t-shirts and on brochures, flyers and other media promotions of the three-day event, plus be promoted in area newspapers for their accomplishment.

Those wanting to enter the contest may download an entry form, pick up an entry form at the Clarksville Chamber of Commerce, 105 Second Street, or pick one up at the Virginia Avenue Mall or call the Chamber and one will be mailed to you. For artwork designs to be considered in the judging, original and signed entries must be delivered to the Clarksville Chamber Office or submitted by mail to the Lake Festival Committee, P.O. Box 1017, Clarksville, VA, 23927, no later than March 12th, 2018. For more information call the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce at (434) 374-2436 or contact us.


Category: Festival, Lakefest
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