• Tuesday, June 05th, 2018

One of the events major attractions to Lakefest each year is the Sand Sculpture. We wait for almost three whole days to figure out what great work of art will be carved out of that huge pile of sand. The attraction is located in the Pocket Park, located at the corner of 4th & Virginia Avenue, near the LOVE sign.

Ed-Moore-Sandy-FeatBack this year is Ed Moore who was here last year and has been the main sand artist for Lakefest for many years. Ed is the Founder of the Sandy Feat sand sculpture group, who grew up to be an architect. But he never gave up on his childhood pastime, which resulted in ever more complex creations, from elaborate castles built on beach vacations to the scores of sculptures he has cut into blocks of wet sand since founding the professional sand-sculpting team Sandy Feat 26 years ago.

He has a Bachelor’s degree in architecture, is a N.C. State University Residence, lives in Raleigh with his wife, Sally Moore. The Moore family has a long history at N.C. State, where he, his father and one of his sons all earned degrees. Moore says his father would often recall a tradition there from the 1920s called “Rush the Grand,” in which groups of students would take the trolley downtown to the Grand Theater. (Later called the Ambassador Theater, it has since been razed.) A large enough group would overwhelm the attendants, allowing the students to get in free.


Category: Festival, Lakefest
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