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Posted: Thursday, December 01st, 2011

Why is she in her winter outerwear… You might ask?  Well, she is trying to warm up and prepare for this winter. So that’s why she has put together this great idea for stocking up this winter in gifts. With this Winter Wonderland in Clarksville Raffle you get four months of gifts for this  winter with your family or that special someone.


December’s theme of gifts for a  Grand Christmas….

  • TWO Zomm Blue tooth devices, donated by Lake Country Cellular
  • Set of Clarksville Pewter Ornaments, donated by the Clarksville Chamber
  • Home for Christmas candle & Oh Night Divine pillow, donated by Grandfather’s Country Creations
  • Hand painted note cards, by Rebecca Hall donated by Hall’s Lakeside Gallery
  • A gift basket of accessories for the iphone 4s, donated by N Touch Wireless
  • Top your decorations off with a beautiful Christmas Wreath donated from the Clarksville Florist & Carole Blair of Lake Kerr Realty

Burr… January, the start of winter’s coldest nights, so this month is great for staying in and staying home with the family. So this month’s theme is Movies at Home designed for staying warm and encouraging a great night of fun for the whole family:

  • Blu-ray player donated my VETS Inc
  • Movie theater candy and popcorn
  • Disney’s “Toy Story 3” DVD & 4 DVD Collectors Edition Blu-ray Movie “Plant Earth”, donated by Shentel
  • A gift certificate to order out for pizza donated by Affordable Carpet Cleaning

Ah February…love is in the air…this months theme is a Wintery Romance for your valentine… gifts they won’t forget.

  • Best Western has donated a two night stay for this month’s idea of romance in winter
  • another night of romance, Cooper’s Landing Inn has donated a Wed. or Thur. night stay with breakfast
  • box of chocolates donated by Clarksville Chamber
  • dozen of roses, donated by Avenue floral & Design.
  • Toast your evening with two wine glasses donated by the Chamber
  • A bottle of Rosemont Lake Country Red Wine, donated by VETS, Inc.
  • MeadowView Terrace is treating you and your love a dinner for two.

Finally there is March…a glimmer of hope that winter is finally coming to an end, so this month’s theme is Springing for spring. Gifts that are geared toward one jumpstarting for the warmer weather a coming.

  • Clean your car with a Car Cleaning package… car detail, washes, vacuum, armor all, and wash interior windows donated by Lakeview Motors.
  • Get your garden prepared with this JR 500 Garden Irrigation Kit, donated by Berry Hill Irrigation.
  • And don’t forget about getting yourself ready or for the one receiving this gift.. Is a two month tanning package at Lakeside Tan donated by VETS, Inc
  • a gift certificate to for a possible new hair do, donated my Affordable Carpet Cleaning.

So you can see these next four months are all taken care of with this great raffle. All gifts were purchased from Clarksville merchants and were donated by the supporters and members of the Clarksville Lake County Chamber of Commerce. The idea of this raffle is to support the Clarksville & Mecklenburg County merchants and encouraging everyone to shop local.
Want a chance to win this raffle, stop by the Chamber office or Virginia Avenue Mall and buy yourself a chance at these great gifts. $5 for one ticket, three for $12 or buy six for $20. Also, we will be selling them the day of the Holiday Open House in Clarksville, November 20th from 1-5, in front of the Virginia Avenue Mall. Drawing will be held on December 8th. Need not be present to win.

Sheila Cuykendall
Interim Director


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Posted: Monday, November 21st, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011, 6:30 p.m.

It’s time to register for the Clarksville Christmas Parade—ENTRY FORM must be received in the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber Office by Tuesday, November 30, to be eligible for the December 2nd event.  We are seeking participants—beauty queens, businesses, community clubs, organizations, churches, antique vehicles and others interested in making this the best parade to date. This year’s grand marshals will be Jim Moody, Chief Operating Officer of Veterans Enterprise Technology Solutions, Inc,  (VETS, Inc), a Clarksville based business. VETS, Inc is listed in Inc 500 as one of America’s Entrepreneurial Superstars.The parade will be fun-filled with no competitions and each entry is required to adhere to the parade regulations below.  The parade is hosted and sponsored by the Merchants’ Committee of the Clarksville Chamber and the Town of Clarksville.  For more info, contact the Chamber at (434) 374-2436.


  • Registered entries only—deadline November 30th; no Santa on any entry. Line-up format is provided when registering is completed.
  • All entries must be decorated in a Christmas theme for the Holiday and abide with these parade rules and regulations.
  • No candy may be thrown from entries; walkers along side may hand candy to the children.
  • No sirens, horns or air-horns may be used.
  • Drivers of all entries must have a valid driver’s license.
  • No entry may halt the parade (only exception will be marching bands).
  • Participants must be in line by 6:15 p.m. sharp; specific line-up location is provided with the registration form.
  • The Parade Committee reserves the right to reject any and all entries for any reason before and during the parade.  No inappropriate actions or displays will be tolerated.

Please be aware that Highway 58 Business will be closed to truck traffic (trucks will need to utilize the Highway 58 Bypass) from 6-8 pm.  During this same time, Virginia Avenue (2nd to 9th Streets) will be closed to vehicle traffic from 6-8 pm.  So parade preparations may be completed, parallel parking along the parade route will be eliminated beginning at 5 pm through the duration of the parade.


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Posted: Tuesday, November 01st, 2011

Clarksville-VA-Holiday-Open-HouseMake your holidays extra special by attending the Christmas in Clarksville Open House on Sunday, November 20th! Downtown merchants have made special plans to be open from 1-5 pm and help you to wrap up your holidays with one-of-a-kind special gift ideas, discounts and refreshments. In addition, carolers will be strolling along Virginia Avenue singing your holiday favorites and Santa Claus will be at Santa Land located in Virginia Avenue Mall. Downtown Clarksville will be shining in its beautiful splendor of the holidays that take you back to Christmas of yesteryears.

Everyone is invited to come out and enjoy what Downtown Clarksville has to offer for the holidays. Remember that when you spend your money here, 1% of your tax dollars go back into our community!  SO…SHOP MECKLENBURG FIRST!


Posted: Monday, October 17th, 2011

Monday, October 31st, from 5:30-7pm Downtown Clarksville Virginia will be hosting Trick or Treat the Streets! There will be 33 merchants and civic organizations participating, all dressed up in their costumes and handing out treats from 2nd Street to 8th Street.  All children up to age 12 are encouraged to participate; each must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult. Please, no masks are to be worn by those 12 years of age or over.

Other sites that will be trick or treating at the same time will be the Clarksville Family Practice (115 College Street) and MeadowView Terrace (184 Buffalo Road). (View/Download a Trick or Treat the Streets Map HERE)

So, come out, bring the kids and enjoy this safe, family friendly environment. See you on the streets!


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Posted: Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

Come and celebrate the fall season the first Saturday in October at the Annual Harvest Days Festival! Vendors will line the streets facing the storefronts and sidewalks along Virginia Avenue offering seasonal crafts, specialty items, antiques, collectibles and antiquities (items of an era) from 9 am to 5 pm. In addition to the vendors, the one-of-a-kind speciality shops and restaurants will offer specials throughout the downtown area. Come out and enjoy the beautiful autumn weather and the activities that are available. The event is opened to the public and there is no admission charge. Harvest Days Festival is hosted by the Merchants Committee of the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce. For more information call (434) 374-2436 and/or see our fact sheet.

Clarksville VA Harvest Days Festival 2011


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Posted: Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

2011 Lake Festival LogoThe Official 2011 Lakefest t-shirts have arrived and they are spectacular!  The artwork depicted on the back of each shirt has two major Lakefest components—the hot-air balloons and the fireworks; Michael Jancart of Nelson created the winning Lakefest design.  The front of the shirts boast the firework graphic surrounded by the words “Virginia Lake Festival, Clarksville, Virginia’s Only Lakeside Town.”  Each shirt also has the Clarksville Ruritan logo imprinted on the left sleeve, which reflects their Lakefest 2011 Captain Sponsorship.

The shirts come in a variety of colors—white, black, yellow haze, grey ice, and azalea and they range in sizes from youth small to adult XXX-large.  Youth shirts are $12 each, adults up to x-large are $16 and XX’s and XXX’s are $18.


Chris and Stephanie Bailey recently brought their two daughters to the Clarksville Chamber and the foursome picked out their favorite Lakefest t-shirts. Pictured from left to right: dad Chris, daughter Elena, age 5; daughter Annelise, age 9; and mom Stephanie. Chris is the financial advisor at the Edward Jones Investments in Clarksville and he also serves as secretary on the Chamber’s board of directors. For best selection of sizes and colors—shop early and secure your favorite ones.

T-shirts are now available at the Clarksville Chamber Office (105 Second Street), the Virginia Avenue Mall (317 Virginia Avenue), and the Clarksville Town Office (321 Virginia Avenue).  Proceeds from the shirts will help with the various expenses of Lakefest such as live bands, fireworks and hot-air balloons.  The 34th annual Lakefest is scheduled for July 14-16.


Posted: Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Clarksville VA 4th of July FunShow your patriotism to the great United States of America and salute our Veterans—by being a participant or a spectator at the 2011 Independence Day Parade in Clarksville On the Lake! This year’s event, sponsored by the Clarksville Ruritans, is slated for Historic Downtown Clarksville on July 4, at 11 am.

Entry categories include floats, antique cars, trucks and tractors, golf carts, fire trucks and bands, plus, all area youth are encouraged to decorate their vehicle of choice—tricycle, bicycle or battery operated mini-vehicles. Each entry into this year’s parade must be decorated in the patriotic theme and the first 1,000 participants and attendees will receive an American flag upon arrival. Parade applications may be printed by clicking HERE —there is no fee to register or participate; requested date for application return is June 30.

Immediately following the parade, everyone will be treated to free hot dogs and soft drinks, compliments of the Clarksville Ruritans. For more details about the parade and the cook-out, contact Ruritan Committee Chair Charles Lee at or call 434-374-0794.


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Posted: Thursday, April 28th, 2011

Spring into 2011 and spend your Saturday, May 7, at Virginia’s only lakeside town beginning at 8 a.m. Virginia Avenue will be a buzz with a special selection of vendors and downtown merchants offering arts and crafts, fresh produce, antiques, yard sale items and one-of-a-kind treasures. Come hungry, too, because the best of the food vendors will be onsite preparing your favorites and the local restaurants will offer specials on their menu throughout the day.

2011 Big Lake Flea Market Clarksville VA

Holding the 2011 Big Lake Flea Market banner are Clarksville Merchant Committee members (left to right) Barbara Martin, Lynn Smith, Mary Horn and Linda Davenport. They have been busy preparing for this year’s event and invite others to join the fun by renting a vendor space or attending the great shopping experience.

Vendors will be located on the pavement (in the parallel parking spaces) along Virginia Avenue from 3rd Street to 7th Street. Thus, vehicle parking will be available in the lots of Wachovia Bank and behind the Virginia Avenue Mall, plus on the sides streets of Downtown Clarksville.

So, hit the streets early (vendors will be ready at 8:00 a.m.) and make your plans to spend a fun day in Virginia’s only lakeside town.

Clarksville’s Merchant Committee and the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce host the Big Lake Flea Market. For more information, call 434-374-2436.


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Posted: Tuesday, February 01st, 2011

It’s the lifestyle that attracts visitors to Clarksville and that keeps them coming back year after year…or for a lifetime. It’s the friendly people, small town charm, low cost of living, mild climate, and recreational opportunities that makes Clarksville a great place to visit and an even better place to call home.

While things move at a more leisurely pace in Clarksville, the town continues to move forward to embrace the changing economy and provide a 21st century approach to the historical charm that brought Clarksville to where it is today. It’s a town of new opportunity built on a history of trade. The rivers which brought the tobacco trade to Clarksville now feed the lake that provides the economic and recreational backbone of the Clarksville community.

Buggs Island Lake is the main attraction for those who love water sports of any kind, or simply enjoys the beauty of the landscape and wildlife that the lake provides. With 50,000 acres of water and 800 miles of shoreline, you can always find a secluded cove on this lake, even on a busy holiday weekend.

Downtown Clarksville has been named to the Virginia and National Registers of Historic Places. You can take a walking tour of more than 60 churches, homes, and businesses that date back to the late 18th century with architecture ranging from Queen Anne to Greek Revival to Victorian. Today its brick lined sidewalks with decorative lighting and Currier and Ives charm are lined with unique shops and a variety of dining choices that invite an afternoon stroll for a tasty treat or the perfect treasure.

Throughout the year Clarksville hosts a variety of special events including the largest, the Virginia Lake Festival in July, which attracts more than 80,000 visitors to town.

So, if you’ve never been here, please come to visit. But be prepared to fall in love with Clarksville. You may want to pack an extra bag just in case!


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Posted: Friday, July 30th, 2010

The Clarksville Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all of the amazing artisans who chose the Clarksville, VA Lakefest to sell thier beautiful items. We sincerely hope to see all of them return next year with new and exciting pieces!

1st Place and Best-In-Show: Teak 22 of Alabama

Best in Show: 1st Place and Best-In-Show award went to Teak 22 of Alabama. The exhibit was filled with one-of-a-kind god art made from recycled parts of the teak tree which is grown in Sumatra, Indonesia. Shown are the artists Alan and Sharalee Sherman who create the furniture.

2nd Place: Jinsheng Song of Florida

2nd Place: The 2010 Lakefest judges picked Jinsheng Song of Florida for his unique oil paintings. Song’s inspirations for his artwork come from his life and his technique is layer upon layer. As this photo was taken, he had took a break from adding yet another layer to the original behind him.

3rd Place: Keith Boone of North Carolina

3rd Place: Third place was presented to Keith Boone of North Carolina for his unique jewelry that is hand-crafted from vintage pieces of sterling silver dinnerware such as knives, forks and spoons. Boone accepted the award and ribbon on behalf of he and his wife Maureen, who also assists with the artwork.

Honorable Mention: Christy Eubank of North Carolina

Honorable Mention: Christy Eubank of North Carolina was presented the honorable mention award for her hand-thrown pottery. This crafter’s special designs include one-of-a-kind candy bowls, dip-n-chip dishes, funny face mugs and serving platters. The 33rd annual Lakefest was the first show she had attended in Clarksville.

Raffle Winner: Sam Keeton

Raffle Winner: Winner of the 2010 Lakefest “super party weekend raffle” was Sam Keeton, show hold his winning ticket. Shown with Keeton is his wife Phebe; the couple reside in Buffalo Junction. Their gifts included a 20-gallon stainless steel cooler on wheels, a stainless steel grill with table (provided by Michael Y. Wagstaff Construction), luxury lakefront weekend overnight accommodations (provided by Best Western On the Lake), Lakefest apron and chef’s hat embroidered by Stitches Corporate & Custom Embroidery, plus a basket full of grilling essentials.


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