Our Mission: To enhance small-town atmosphere while promoting economic growth without compromising our natural resources.
About Us: The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit business organization representing the interests of member companies throughout the Lake Country Area. Its mission is to enhance small-town atmosphere while promoting economic growth without compromising our natural resources.
Membership: Membership is open to all area business owners, civic organizations and interested members of the community who maintain their annual dues investment in the Chamber. Membership benefits include:
- networking opportunities
- promotion
- marketing
- referrals
- advertising opportunities
- employee benefits
- community involvement
- information on current events & policies
- a voice in the legislative process
- Coordination of ribbon cuttings
- Use of the copy machine to produce multiple quick copies
To join our Chamber, you may fill out our online member application or download the application HERE – requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader) and mail to the address provided.
Location: The Chamber of Commerce office is located at 105 Second Street, which is North of Virginia Avenue at the western end of the local bridge next to the Best Western Motel.
Hours: The Chamber office is open Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.