Spring into May on the first Saturday for Sales, Sales, and more Sales. Participating Chamber merchants are having a Sidewalk Sale from 9 am to 2 pm and they are cleaning off their shelves & racks to make room for new products.
So come shop and spend your Saturday, May 5, at Virginia’s only lakeside town. These stores will have merchandise in front of their businesses with clearance items, sale items or featured items, so come see what bargain you can find! Below are the confirmed participating merchants in the Sidewalk Sale:
Here are some other Chamber Merchants that invest into their community, so make sure you stop & support them too! EAT, SHOP, TOUR & STAY!
For a complete listing of all our supporting Chamber Members, please visit our website at www.clarksvilleva.com
The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit business organization representing the interests of member companies throughout the Lake Country Area. Its mission is to enhance small-town atmosphere while promoting economic growth without compromising our natural resources. We want to promote our area and encourage you all to Shop & Buy Local!
Cruise back from 4 pm-9 pm for the Lake Country Cruise-in! Bring your old “ride’ or just come and celebrate Clarksville on the Lake with great food, fare & fun & some merchants plan to stay open late. Virginia Avenue from 3rd to 7th street will be closed to accommodate over 130 cars. Free Admission! This event takes place the First Saturdays of each month thru October.