• Wednesday, August 05th, 2015

First Place: Conway Studios Cathy McInville of Conway, NC Stained Glass & Handmade bird baths, butterflies, dragonflies, decorative art & sculptures. cathymcinville@nullgmail.com 252-252-377-7764

2nd Place: Tiny House Movement, Living Off the Grid Julie Hochwender, Hot Springs, NC. Handmande bird houses from tin & logs/log candle holders tinyhousemovements@nullgmail.com 573-673-6882

3rd Place: Bakers by the Sea Susanne Baker, New Smyrna Beach, Florida Hand sewn denium koozies, fired stone coasters & signs 843-377-9277 sugarbaker1113@nullaol.com

Honorable Mention: Angie Cole Huddleson, VA metal yard art, painted decorative spinners amcglc613@nullyahoo.com 608-481-2458
Category: Arts & Crafts, Lakefest