The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber & Clarksville Community Players team up to create a new Fundraiser for Lakefest! We are happy to announce a fun Singing competition for those who love to sing and compete for a chance to showcase their talent at the opening ceremonies July 20th at 7 pm at the main stage area behind Wells Fargo.
Mirroring some of the exciting features of American Idol, The CCP & Clarksville Chamber will have a panel of judges, auditions and finals. The winner of the final competition will be named the First Official “Lakefest Idol’ title winner and sing the night of the opening ceremonies.
We are really excited to add a new element to Lakefest and hope that the community will get involved. Everyone will be able to come see the talent on the audition dates and the audience will even have a chance to vote at the top 15-finalist competition for their favorite singer on July 7th. So get your vocal cords ready and come be apart of the fun!! Download an application HERE.

I am looking forward to this…