The Lakefest Logo committee is thrilled to announce our 42nd Virginia Lake Festival Logo Design & Winner….Todd Tedder from Kernersville, NC was awarded our $250 prize for his winning artwork. Todd & his wife Cheryl are summer residents and they often come up to Clarksville. They love to shop and eat here and always make it to Lakefest. They moved to Garner North Carolina from Perry FL in 1975, they met some friends in their new neighborhood and started camping at Kerr Lake/Buggs Island in the Hibernia and Satterwhite camp grounds as kids, they would take a lot of boat rides over to Clarksville Va. Cheryl and Todd continue to camp here, their friends they camped with got to looking to purchase property on Kerr Lake/ Buggs Island, they both located a house & lot side by side in the Ponderosa area in Clarksville, VA.
They saw our call for artist contest on Clarksville Chamber of Commerce Facebook page, so they started thinking about the events that happen on at Lake Fest and started drawing a design. They both love the lake and wanted to be part of a very special event that’s been going on for so long. His logo depicts a Lakefest directional sign, lake life and relaxing looking over the lake in Clarksville all while watching the fireworks & balloons, and even displaying some sand art.