• Saturday, July 06th, 2019
Visitors can come see our community made LOVE sign on display at the pocket park at Virginia Avenue & 4th Street through the middle of August, then it will be moved Lakeside beside our Welcome to Clarksville Sign at the Sunoco A Plus
- L is for Lake Life, Lakefest and our Love for this town.
- O represents Clarksville’s history of the Occoneechi Indians and Opportunities here in Clarksville! We hope to capture great memories & visitors’ dreams of visiting again and again (or even that they will want to live here!)
- V is for our many Visitors that Vacation here in Clarksville and we want you to Value your time with us!
- E is for wishing Everyone wonderful Experiences. And we have to add our thankfulness for God’s Everlasting Love for us! We are looking forward to our Endless possibilities here in Clarksville! The END.
About the LOVEwork Project
- www.virginia.org/love– features all the LOVEwork with an interactive map so travelers can visit each one.
- Over the past few years, we have seen over 100,000 visits to the LOVEwork webpage
- We continue to see great engagement online with thousands of user-generated pictures on Facebook, twitter and instagram featuring the LOVEworks
- Visitors are encouraged to use #LOVEVA with LOVEwork pictures and share with Virginia Tourism’s social accounts, @visitvirginia

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