Thank you for your interest in applying as a beverage vendor for the 2025 Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival!
Winery Regulations – Beverage & Alcohol Vendors
Unless otherwise notified, the Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival will take place in Clarksville at 617 Virginia Avenue on April 12th, rain or shine. In case of extreme circumstances, May 24th is the extreme weather backup date.
The event is scheduled for 12- 5 p.m. on Saturday. All vendors are expected to be present at the booth at all times during the festival. All Beverage vendors must have a minimum of five choices for tasters. Booths may be set up on Saturday morning beginning at 8 a.m. Booth preparation must be completed by 11am, including the removal of any vehicles. No vehicles are allowed in the gate area for clean-up before 5:15 p.m. on Saturday.
Space is limited. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. All fees must accompany the attached registration form. Checks should be made payable to the Clarksville Lake Country COC, PO Box 1017, Clarksville, VA 23927. If you are not accepted, your check will be returned immediately. Subletting space to another vendor is prohibited.
Beverage vendors are expected to furnish their display racks and any other items required for their display. The vendor participants are solely responsible for bringing any additional items to protect them from the weather.
Vendors are responsible for bringing their tables, chairs, and tents. The Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival only furnishes the space.
Each vendor is required to have insurance, at the time of application, covering participation in the event. A photocopy of the policy must accompany the application. Wineries must have remote permits filed and be prepared for a visit and inspection from an ABC Officer. It is the vendor’s responsibility to adhere to all State and ABC rules and regulations regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages.
The Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce and Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival are not responsible for loss of inventory or loss or damage to work or other property of vendors and/or participants.
No signage/promotion, etc. may reflect the logos of alcoholic beverages other than wines sold at the festival. You may not display items not approved for sale.
Each vendor is responsible for keeping the area in and around their space neat and free from garbage and empty wine bottles, seals & corks. All vendors will be charged a $50 post-event clean-up fee if they do not meet these requirements.
Vendors are responsible for water casks for glass rinsing if desired.
Vendor employees or contract associates participating in booth activities for any reason must have appropriate “ID” as evidence to show at entrance gates for admittance.
Vendors are responsible for the collection of Virginia State sales tax and maintenance of applicable required documentation.
There will be no refunds made for spaces once you have been accepted as a participant in the Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival.
Pets are not allowed on the festival grounds.
No alcoholic beverages other than those purchased at the festival are permitted.
Any item displaying profanity or discriminatory symbols, words, etc. is strictly prohibited.
To enable winery staff to taste other Virginia wines at the festival, the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber will provide each participating beverage vendor with two tickets and two wine glasses on the day of the festival. Additional tickets for winery staff are available in advance for $20 per ticket, with a limit of 10 tickets per winery. Please indicate how many tickets you would like to purchase on the registration form. Your tickets and wine glasses will be available at the front gate.
Remember to list the wines you will offer to the tasters (minimum of 5) on the application.
If the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce cancels the Wine Festival for any reason, this agreement shall be null and void as of the date of said cancellation and the vendor and Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce shall release each other from any further obligations whatsoever. In the event the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce cancels the event before the Festival date, the vendor shall be entitled to receive a full refund of the application fee, provided however, that no refund shall be due to the vendor should the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce be forced to cancel the event because of events beyond the control of the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, such as, but not limited to, inclement weather, floods, riots, insurrections, acts of government bodies, and the like.
Upon execution of this agreement and as a part of the consideration hereof, the vendor agrees to indemnify and hold the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce, and all of the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce officers, directors, sponsors, employees, and agents, harmless from any debts, accounts, suits, cause of action, actions, proceedings, claims, liabilities, demands and judgments, which may include, but are not limited to all costs, expenses, damages and attorney’s fees, arising out of, because of, or in connection with any act or failure to act by vendor’s agents, invites, employees, representatives or servants in the activities contemplated by this agreement, in connection with the failure of any apparatus, equipment or personal property used by vendor in the activities contemplated by the agreement, or in connection with vendor participation in the Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival. The vendor agrees to provide a certificate of insurance covering participation in the event with the application.
This agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties concerning the matters contained herein. The agreement may not be modified, except by the writing signed by both parties. This agreement supersedes all prior communications or agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the Clarksville Lake Country Wine Festival.
Any problems encountered with Festival attendees should be immediately reported to Festival Management.
By completing and submitting the application, you are agreeing to all rules, requirements, and regulations of the Wine Festival.