Friday, July 15th stop by the corner of 4th & Virginia Avenue, where sand artist, Ed Moore, of Sandy Feat, has already begun his larger-than-life creation, I wonder what it will be this year?
The town will be busy preparing for the night’s activities as the main stage will be rolling in as well as a few selected vendors & Fun Time Amusements of Danville will be setting up all their machines for the all the children’s games & rides. Around 6:30pm everything should be set & placed into action. At 7pm, the night’s MC, Bill Baker will take stage and welcome our wonderful sponsors to the stage! We couldn’t do it without them! Be sure you thank a sponsor if you see one.
The 2016 Virginia Lake Festival would not be possible without Sponsorships. The great thing is most of our Sponsors have been supporting Lakefest year after year. We are hoping that in the years to follow, more businesses will consider thinking about supporting this event. Your generosity and support brings economic vigor to our community and allows Lakefest to be a dynamic and joyful celebration of Life in Lake Country. It is a TOP TWENTY event in the Southeast, no one else in our area has that tagged with their event.
Lakefest is the largest event in the area and is enjoyed by thousands not only in this town, but in surrounding towns. People travel from all over to come here. Vendors travel from Florida, GA, PA, OH & AL. Our whole county benefits from Lakefest, as well as South Boston & South Hill hotels receiving more guests this weekend.
We salute our sponsors of Lakefest and all their support of the Clarksville Lake Country Chamber of Commerce. Come and give them a big THANK YOU, Friday night as we honor them for their support, along with these other great businesses that supported this year’s Lakefest.
- Clarksville Ruritans
- VETS, Inc.
Master Commandant
- McDonalds of Clarksville
- Benchmark Community
- Lake Motel & Magnuson
- The News Progress
- Lake Country Satellite
- The Mecklenburg Sun
- Lakes Media/US 98.3
- Century 21
- Simmons & Associates Realty
1st Mates
- A & K Dock Service
- Carter Bank & Trust
- Citizens Community Bank
- Clarksville Marina
- HHM Porta Toilet LLC
- Mecklenburg Electric Coop
- Rudd’s Creek Marina
- State Farm-Buchanan Insurance
- Sunoco A Plus/Papa Johns
- Talbert Building Supply
- Virginia Avenue Mall
- Clarksville Auto Supply
- Matthew’s Sanitation
- Moore’s Chevrolet
- Preddy Memorial Foundation
- Southside Marine & Auto
As soon as we are finished with taking the sponsor photo, the live entertainment for the evening takes stage….The Pizazz Band. We will be selling LAKEFEST t-shirts by the Clarksville Ruritans Thrift Shop, and also raffle tickets for the “Hooked on You” Raffle.

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[…] Welcoming Ceremonies Friday Night […]